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Hudson River Park Brand and Signage



Partner In Charge:

Emily Oberman


Tim Cohan

Jonathan Correira

Mira Khandpur

Joey Petrillo

Mira Steinzor

Scope: Signage and Wayfinding Master Plan, Print Collateral System


Hudson River Park is a 4-mile long, 550-acre riverside park and estuarine sanctuary located on the west side of Manhattan. The logo is inspired by the park’s unique merging of river, piers, and greenspace, and acts as an abstract map of the park—each of the four notches representing major piers. The logo utilizes a customized stencil version of Metric, which is used throughout the signage system.


This is the park’s first permanent program comprising over 400 individual signs, including illuminated landmark beacons, welcome signs at every entrance, facility identification and rules signs, several types of wayfinding signs, park directories, as well as a banner system and construction graphics.

As part of the comprehensive graphics system we developed a complete custom symbol library that identifies activities and facilities within the park. The chevron arrow used throughout the system to indicate direction is derived from the “K” of the logo typeface. The signage system was designed to be modular to accommodate the park’s expansion and changing amenities. The stainless steel frames were break-formed to create channels allowing separate panels to slide in an out. The sign panels are made of Digitally Printed High Pressure Laminate (DHPL), which is graffiti resistant and boasts a lifespan of ten years.

HRPK Graphic_Symbol_Library_RGB.png

©2010–2024 Cohan Design & other agencies as noted. All rights reserved.

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